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Wild and Beautiful Growth (feat. Wild Gina)

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Wild and Beautiful Growth (feat. Wild Gina)

#16 of 23 Art From Conversations: Wild Gina

When I asked Wild Gina what she loved the most about nature, she answered, “The way the sun hits nature at golden hour.” 


And then, I asked, “What trip have you taken that changed your mindset?” She answered, Utah October 2018. It was the first time nature spoke to me and I noticed that it did.”

One of the things I love about Gina’s answers is how she has chosen to see nature as more than a backdrop, but a place to enter into. A place to listen and take everything in. Even the smallest detail of her noticing “the way the sun hits nature” really speaks to connectedness, and how the sun rays don’t just keep to themselves in the sky, but find their way all the way down to the ground beneath our feet. 

Gina is a photographer and I am sure other photographers know this to be true…when you are capturing, you are making connections. And the more you capture, the more you will begin to find that the connections never end. One photograph leads to the next. One subject tells you something about another subject, and so forth. When you see Gina’s beautiful nature landscapes, you can sense the connections she’s making. You can see how, just like a desert landscape, the possibility to discover and learn something new is endless.

I also asked Gina this question: “A lot has happened over the past ten years. What’s still true?”

Her answer, simple and profound, “Growth never ends.”

As I think about the way Gina captures landscapes, and the way she holds space for that golden hour I can sense this truth.

See Gina’s work on Instagram: @WildGinaa
Support Gina’s work (Shop)

Today’s series was inspired by what Gina shared with me:

(feel free to download the art for any personal use!)


Notice where the Light gets through
Notice how despite the unknowns
there is room for growth all around you.

Don’t lose hope for the journey.
You have been traveling for a long time
And your heart still hasn’t seen all there is to see.

Embrace the wildness of it all.
This is a journey,
and you’re still learning.

Keep noticing all of the little things.
Keep noticing where Light gets through.

Notice how your heart is still beating.
Notice the pulse for something more.

Keep going.
Keep growing,
keep trusting
after all that you
have traveled through,
there is more ahead of you.

Notice how desert flowers bloom.
Notice how sunlight continues to find you.