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Flowers and Light (feat. Brianna Wiest)

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Flowers and Light (feat. Brianna Wiest)

#17 of 24 #ArtFromConversations: Brianna Wiest


I first met Brianna Wiest virtually when she interviewed me for a piece she was writing. Since then, I have followed her work and I am so grateful for our next conversation which led to Brianna being a part of this Art From Conversations series. One of the things she and I talked about was all of the wonderful things we learn just by paying attention to nature. Here’s what Brianna shared with me:

“Nature is a self-preserving mechanism. All things turn towards the light. Everything in nature exists with the intent of growth, everything, every single thing. It's cyclical….Because in the same way that like a flower doesn't have to consciously think I need to turn to the sun to survive. It just does it. It just does it because that's what nature does.” - Brianna Wiest


Today's series is inspired by my conversation with Brianna.

Brianna Wiest’s Instagram
Brianna’s latest book, “The Mountain Is You”

Here's Part 1 and Part 2 of the poem I wrote, "Flowers and Light" before making the art. (Art is below)

F L O W E R S + L I G H T

pt.1 [ s u n l i g h t ]

notice how the
knows to turn
and face the sun.

notice how blooming
requires unfolding
allowing yourself
to be undone,
letting go
and letting Light
find you
even when the days
are long slow,
you become who you
were meant to be
even though you feared
you might never grow.

and in the heat of the longest days,
in the rolling hills of endless change,
in the same way
the flower still springs up through it all,
you will grow
all the same.


pt.2 [ m o o n l i g h t ]

notice how the
knows to turn
and face the moon.

notice how blooming
is unrestrained
by all
that the shadows

no longer afraid
of the darkness,
it is here,
you will learn to thrive,
slowly unfolding
into the bloom
you were meant to be
all your life.

and not everyone
will notice your growth,
especially when shadows
fill the night,
but even then
you are free
to keep blooming
in the Light.