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Daily Reminder: Waiting...A Time For Growth

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Perhaps it will be here in the waiting
you begin to see:
you are not just growing
for the sake of growing
but you are growing
in your capacity
to receive:
the wisdom
the courage
and the grace you need
to live in the present moment
and be prepared
for future things.

I cannot tell you how long you will have to wait, but I can tell you that you are being prepared for what's to come breath by breath, day by day. I can tell you that in this present moment, you are still free to trust that beneath the layers of doubt, worry, and fear, something beautiful is blooming here. And even though you cannot see it, that does not mean it is not real.

The future will arrive when it is meant to arrive, and you do not have to exhaust yourself in the present moment trying to figure out how you will get there. The energy you have been giving to the thoughts about the future is energy you need for right now. The time you have been given to try to sort through things in the past is time you could be spending in the moments that lie before you. Be present to this moment and let it surprise you with the many subtle, yet significant ways you are growing.

-Morgan Harper Nichols