Hold on to what is beautiful (feat. Cole Arthur Riley)

Hold on to what is beautiful (feat. Cole Arthur Riley)

Morgan: What does it mean to have peace?

Cole Arthur Riley:

"For me, it means that while fear might pass through me, it doesn't cling to my body or mind." - Cole Arthur Riley

When Cole shared this with me, I clung to the word “cling.” Cling means to “hold on tightly to” (Oxford). When something clings, it has a grip. And oh, does fear have a grip. But perhaps the grip is not permanent. Perhaps fear is a vaporous cloak we wear that seems so necessary until it doesn’t. 

And even when fear comes back…rising up from the past and lingers at the doorsteps of the present moment, we are free to invite other memories over the threshold. Memories that remind us of love. Peace. Memories that remind us to breathe. Memories worth holding on to. 

I asked Cole, “What phrase have you been holding on to lately and why?” She replied,

“'Hold memory.' I've been thinking a lot about remembrance as a liturgy/habit. I think our imaginations are actually diluted when we lose traditions, stories, and memories from the past. And I like the idea of having people in my life who can hold my memories with me, who can help preserve the truest parts of my/our story.” - Cole Arthur Riley

In ever-uncertain times, there is much to fear. And at the same time, we can imagine something better by choosing to hold on to what's true. I asked Cole: “A lot has happened over the past ten years. What’s still true?”

She answered,

“Beauty is still worth stopping for.”

- Cole Arthur Riley

…And I believe this. For perhaps,

Beauty is an invitation. An invitation back into the present moment...the very moment that fear wants you to forget. However,

The moments we allow ourselves to
be in awe of the vastness of the night sky,
or the merciful nature of a new sunrise,
are moments where we are reminded that
when we turn and face the Light,
fear becomes nothing more
than a vaporous garment
falling away as our hearts sync
into the rhythm of remembering:
in this moment,
the heart still beats,
and we are still free to slow down
and know peace.

And now, a poem by Cole Arthur Riley:

I confess
there are days
I do not comprehend
what I contain.
These bones
are heavy
with the weight
of beauty.
- Cole Arthur Riley

Cole’s work: @blackliturgies
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#ArtFromConversations #19 of 24