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Daily Reminder: Carrying On, Toward August

Site Owner2 Comments

Let this be the August you look back on and say,

“I am so glad I chose to carry on, anyway.
I am so glad I chose to be confident in an all-new way.
I am so glad I chose to pay attention to all the good that was stirring inside of me,
despite the uncertainty that surrounded me,
I chose to be free from the lie that I was unworthy.
I chose to step into each new day
courageously allowing myself to be seen.
It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.
I am so proud of everything I learned that month.
I am so proud of who I've become."

Your fears may not leave you today, but I hope you can continue to give your all to the lifelong lesson of learning to be a little less afraid. You are already on the journey. You are already well on your way. Here's to August.

-Morgan Harper Nichols