Morgan Harper Nichols

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The Wanderer's Map

This page is a part of the Story Journey Map Series. Start here!

If you have decided to pick up “The Wanderer’s Map” from the travel map stand, here’s what I hope you can carry with you!

Carry this map with you
when you are ready to take
the long way around
because you know
that you're not lost...
you're just letting yourself
slow down.

May your mindful pace reveal
what your heart knows to be true:
there is so much more to this life
and there is so much more to you.
Be present to the journey.
And let "being present" be enough.
You are free to explore
this winding path.
There is no need to rush.
Travel light. Be safe.

Let yourself choose
to exhale out here in the wild
and travel as wanderers do.

Journaling prompts For The Wanderer’s Map:

  • What are you curious about right now?

  • What have you changed your mind about?

  • Where in your life are you choosing to say: “I’m going to give this some time.”

  • How do you feel about the word “patience” right now?

  • Go through your phone’s screenshots or the recent highlights in a book you’re reading. What are the topics of the things you’ve been capturing? Are you noticing any patterns or connections?

Phone wallpapers for The Wanderer’s Map (more coming soon!)

More art and poetry to come! There is a lot more associated with each “map,” and I will continue to update. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for being a part of this! - MHN

There is a lot more art and poetry associated with each “map” and I will continue to update. Thank you for your patience and thank you for being a part of this! - Morgan