Morgan Harper Nichols

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Loved (feat. Vera Leung)

What word/phrase have you been holding on to lately and why?

This is the question I asked Vera Leung, and here was the honest and beautiful answer:

“These words are on a post-it on my desk:

Beloved. Be Love. 
Be Held. Behold.
You are beloved. Therefore, be love. 
You can be held. Therefore, behold. 

These came to me in a long season where I struggled to believe I was worthy of things I longed for. Words like ‘never’ and ‘I don’t know’ became these big shadows in my mind. It was really hard to see the goodness in front and ahead of me. And a dear community of friends came around me and I created space in my life to hear these words in my soul and allow myself to believe that this is who I am. I saw how books and conversations and songs would show up at exactly the time I needed. And I could begin to trust that I would be held in all of the moments that felt hard. We need each other. I’m still on the journey, but I’m grateful for friends who continuously remind me of my identity as beloved." - Vera Leung

Learn more about Vera: @veraleung

#18 of 24 #ArtFromConversations

Poetry and Art Inspired by Vera:

Hold on.
Hold on to what is beautiful.
Hold on to what is true.
Hold on to the flickers of Light
coming through the shadows––
gentle (and radiant) proof:
there is more to life.
There is more to you.

When things get shaky
here in the waiting,
remember the places
where you felt safe.

Remember the rooms
where you felt free
to not perform
and simply be.

Remember when you felt
the burden
of all you did not know,
and how even when
the sun left the sky,
through the night,
you continued to grow.

You continued to rise up.
Even when everything felt like too much—
you continued to encounter Love.

In a

And as the year go on,
you will forget many things
but I hope you never forget
the song the blue waves sing,
belting out a song of boundless Love,
as the winds push them toward the shore,
and their edges wash over your feet,
you are reminded you are seen.
you are seen.

I hope you always remember this.
I hope you always remember

    L o v e

Love is the art
of remembering
what is all too easily forgotten
a sacred song
louder than fear,
that sings,

yes , M Y D E A R ,

Y O U b e l o n g H E R E